Black Crab Miniatures, the collaboration between Andrew May and Moritz Krebs (@blackcrabarts) returns to Kickstarter with a new campaign covering a new set of 28mm miniatures, the Pathetic Cavalcade of Doomed Knights.
Andrew May of Meridian Miniature is back with more of their Black Crab Miniatures range over on Kickstarter. The work of Moritz continues to be turned into 28mm scale miniatures with the strange Homunculi that could be wizard's assistants and more or perhaps a warband in their own right across all manner of different games.
Andrew May is back with a new Black Crab Miniatures Kickstarter where the undead are now shambling about looking for flesh! A Feast For Flies - The Deathless gives you some great undead creatures for use in your skirmish wargames and roleplaying adventures in 28mm.
Andrew May of Meridian Miniatures is back with another of the Black Crab Miniatures collection. This is a very small Kickstarter campaign that is focused on a couple of new miniatures inspired by the artwork of Moritz and perfect for use on your grimdark tabletops.
The folks at 28 Mag have joined forces with Andrew May of Black Crab Miniatures/Meridian Miniatures in order to create their first 28mm grimdark Fantasy miniature. See what you think!
Meridian Miniatures' Andrew May is back on Kickstarter with more Black Crab Miniatures. This time around, they are bringing to life the Necropolis Mercenaries dredged from the creative mind of Moritz. That means awesome grimdark Fantasy miniatures in 28mm heroic proportions.