Two New Supremes Hunt the Supernatural Menace in Pulp City
May 22, 2013 by dracs
Two key members of the Blood Watch team of supremes who deal with the supernatural threats of Pulp City have now been released; their armourer known only as the Blacksmith and their leader herself, Victoria Helsing.
Quite a pair of opposites these two, one tall and lithe, the other short and squat.
Victoria, or V.H. as she is known, is a leader and warrior so no doubt she will be leading your squad of supremes from the front lines. The Blacksmith seems to be more of a unit buffer, using relics to help his fellow team mates. Both are no doubt welcome additions to Pulp City.
Are either of these going to join your hunt for the paranormal?
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Victoria has very Blackwidow inspired look while The Blacksmith looks a lot like ork from 40k.
Shame Victoria is spoilt with the knock-kneed-I need-to-pee pose that a lot of sculptors seem think is ‘alluring’, otherwise very nice.