How About Starting A Blood Tree Warband In Fanticide?
January 30, 2013 by brennon
The last time we showed off some Fanticide miniatures from Alien Dungeon they didn't go down too well but lets see if things have changed with their latest warband, the Blood Trees.
Above is the selection you can grab from their webstore and it certainly gives you something different to paint and indeed play with. I don't mind these models but they certainly are a bit off the wall.
If you'd like to see the rules before you buy then you can check out the PDF HERE.
Is this warband going down better than the last?
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These are maginally better than the flower dryads from last time but still fairly naff IMO. I just dont get this game at all and the quality is very poor indeed. I would suggest AD take the whole project ‘back to formula’.
Not keen either
The style is just not my cuppa.
Bring on the war turtles and frogs
Agreed, they look kind of awful. I’m not seeing anything there that I couldn’t sculpt myself, and I’ve barely touched greenstuff. In a medium where visuals can really sell models, and by extension games, the age of the internet makes it more important than ever to have something that looks great to draw in the punters. If they want this stuff to sell it has to be more appealing than what’s been seen so far. Kudos for originality, for the most part, but I’d congratulate a dog that laid a purple “egg” for the same reason. That alone wouldn’t make… Read more »
Sorry to say it but they are quite bad imho. They look bits of twig glued together with a bit of gap filling made into a mould. Also the faces are a bit of a joke tbh, which looks like bits of green stuff rolled into sausage shape then made into a circle and then just slapped on the twig. I really want to make constructive criticism, but I find it hard to say anything other than “go back to the drawing board” and perhaps invest in a sculptor with a set of skills that you want to represent the… Read more »
I can overlook the quality but the price is far too high. Most of the “Warband” boxed sets are in the region of £60-£70.
For that price I could get two Necromunda gangs direct from GW of all people!
Actually more like three – who’d of thunk it? 🙂
Well the little trees don’t look too bad and we could all use more mushrooms in our lives but the aesthetic and game are a little too crazy for me. Maybe if Alien Dungeon sold complimentary recreational drugs to go along with their game things would be different 😉
Not nice.
I really wished that this game had more going for it but as it stands I don’t back poor models. I’m like many others that uses visuals to contact me to the world a game wishes me to partake in. Aside from the monkey faction I’m rather turned off from the model line.
I still think they have time to turn things around. Aim high and you’ll do much better.