Stop the Presses… it’s MINIRAMA!!!
February 7, 2011 by beerogre
NOTE: Minirama and Terrainarama is to discuss and show off YOUR work, so please don't rip people off. Give them a wee nudge to drop by themselves and upload their stuff 🙂
Warren, Lloyd and Team
What's MINIRAMA you might ask...
Well... Beasts of War are giving ALL of our subscribers a FREE miniatures gallery. It's a place where you can upload photos of your prize miniatures for the delectation and consideration of our fans... and the entire wargaming world!
Don't have pictures to upload?
Don't worry... why not browse the galleries and rate the pics you think are great or guff... save your favourites and give feedback comments for each individual image!
Get interactive... give comments... show your work and build the community. All courtesy of your mates at Beasts of War.
But that's not all!!!
Have you built any terrain?
Do you have pictures?
Then we have a treat for you too... TERRAINARAMA!!!
TERRAINARAMA is the terrain-based, sister-system of MINIRAMA... and what a pretty girl she is!
Just like MINIRAMA, you can upload, rate and comment on any sort of terrain or build that you can think of.
What are you waiting for???
Get uploading and lets get the party started!
--- Update ---
We've now created a group where you can tell us about any bugs you find with the Minirama/Terrainarama system.
We'll also use this group to post any information on fixes/updates we apply.
All credit for this needs to go to Lloyd and Warren, who’ve worked tirelessly for ages to bring this to you guys…
Enjoy! 😀
BoW Andy
I love this idea. Thanks guys.
so if its been more than a week, how long did it take?
Work started not long after launch 🙂
There is still some functionality to add, but it will improve over the next days and weeks.
one more question. Were on the home page will the link for this be located?
Look in the top navigation and you will see minirama and terrainarama beside Webbuzz
Capital idea ! I’ll get snapshots ready…
great idea, thanks for your hard work.
I’m enjoying it already. Great work guys. Now tell us where all the BoW team minis gallery is located because I for one want to see your work. 🙂
I’ll be bringing my digital camera up tomorrow to get some pics taken for the gallery.
BoW Andy
what are the other two unknowns? next to TV and Free Stuff
I remember thinking of asking for a gallery system in the painting party chat, but thought it might be a bit too demanding.
Well damn, colour me impressed.
Fantastic idea, taking an idea that works (“What are you painting thread”) and making it into something more fleshed out. I’ll try it out mid-week once I’ve finished painting my Island of Blood army.
Thanks Lloyd and Warren! 🙂
This is going to be great. Was always looking for an outlet to show off my work outside of 4chan, and never thought my work was good enough for Coolminiornot lol.
Guys, your website just went to the very top of my favorite tabletop gaming sites. Top notch guys!
eh up all. can anyone help me with uploading. the pics i took on my crappy ol camera are apparently too big to upload. can i reduce their quality/size or do i need to set that as the pic is taken? cheers
It depends on your camera. All I can suggest is putting the image into a paint programme or photoshop and saving it as a jpeg.
You might lose some quality, but see if that reduces the size of the file.
BoW Andy
What about adding multiple images of the same mini? are there options to do that on the same mini page without spamming the site?
or something like showcasing an army?
Yes there are. If you upload one image and then click to view it. You’ll be taken to a page where you can upload more images of the same piece.
Same goes for armies, upload one and add more images of the same unit/model to the image page. If you’re uploading army pics, try not to put images of different minis in the page of a different primary image (if you know what I mean)… we don’t want to see all your effort being hidden.
Hope that helps…
BoW Andy
cheers Andy, the quality is already pretty poor so i think i`ll borrow a better camera for a day! Wicked new section btw, really glad i discovered BoW.
yah ive been having trouble uploading the image it takes forever and when it stops it just says No image uploaded
I’m having the same problem, and also when I do upload a pic, it has and X instead of a picture.
I get that as well. Its the first day this is up, it will have some bugs. Lets give the guys some time to work things out. Great idea and I will post my minis when things are ready.
Yep image failures are one of the thing we have to look at. Check what format your camera is saving images as.
If they’re not jpegs, put the image into Microsoft Paint, or Photoshop or something and save as a jpeg… then try again…
We’ll be trying to increase the functionality, but until then, if you try that fix while we work on things.
BoW Andy
Thanks chap, top new feature. Easy to use and fast too.
Cheers @tinracer
Your lizard men are looking top notch btw 🙂
I find the file size limit annoying. I dont mind my pictures being made smaller but having to go in and resize every single one above the limit down to 60-80% manually before I upload kind of stinks.
Other than that I adore this function, thank you Lloyd and Warren.
Yeah we currently have the image size set at 500k, we may bump this up a bit but probably not by much as upload times and storage space might become a factor.
Will be having a good look at it a bit later today. 🙂
I’ll see if I can get Lloyd to give us the max pixel size of the images, which should make it a bit easier to resize.
BoW Andy.
There is no max pixel size.
It’s dependant on the compression level.
If you save images as .jpg with about 50% or 60% compression there shouldn’t be any problems.
Andy exposes his ignorance of computer science one more time! 😀
Incidentally, what is the maximum number of megatrons the image allowed to be?
BoW Andy
500 kilobytes
about half a megatron 😉
cool idea guys
And there goes my nicely painted historical minis.
Thanks guys.
Fantastic to see some historical stuff in there!!!
Looking forward to seeing that category of minirama grow 🙂
I’ll do my best. 😀
Where could say, a panther or sherman go? Historical or Modern Warfare?
Historical is for pre ww1
Ah right, thanks.
Lovin’ the update, but might I perhaps suggest something on the behalf of those using the RSS feed?
Either split Terraina/Minirama from the RSS feed OR make it so that the pictures are embedded in each feed, please. Hell, even adding the tags underneath each update would be INCREDIBLY useful.
Good job so far, though. Nice work, guys.
There is going to be a pretty big RSS project undertaken in about 3 weeks or so to overhaul the whole RSS side of things.
I know its a bit of a pain for you guys using the RSS at the moment, but we will improve it i promise!
Great idea guys. Might finally get me off my backside and paint something worth putting up on here
Could it be, that the Vote-System is not working correctly!?
this would have been good for me but it doesn work it wont upload any of my pictures