The Raven’s Shadow Is Cast Across SAGA & Gripping Beast

October 2, 2012 by brennon

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Some great updates are on the way for SAGA by Tomahawk Studios and Gripping Beast. Check out the snippets below that were previewed in the Gripping Beast Newsletter last night!

The Raven's Shadow (French Cover)First up is news of The Raven's Shadow, the next expansion for the SAGA Dark Age Skirmish game. Above is the French version of the cover, but a full run down of the new book will be coming very soon! I am certainly very excited for this and can't wait to see whats on offer.

Gunnar Hamundarson

Next up is Gunnar Hamundarson, another Hero of the Viking Age that can be added to your warband, leading them into battle with spear and sword bared. I love the dynamic pose they have got him in and its interesting to see a warrior not just coated in chainmail.

The Gall-Gaedhil

Next up are The Gall-Gaedhil, a band of nefarious mercenaries that can also join in the SAGA fun. There are some great models in there, each with their own flavour. It seems like a lot of work has gone into making them feel like a mercenary crew, their variety of arms and armour speaking to their multicultural service.

Some fantastic miniatures for a fantastic game!

Will anyone be picking these up to add to their warband? I am very tempted by Gunnar!

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