Tabletop-Art Fight Them in the Trenches!
April 25, 2012 by brennon
If you're looking for some interesting looking battlefield bases then how about these new Trench Bases from Tabletop-Art? Check out the starter kit below...
As you can see there is a range of different bases in differing sizes. Perfect for starting out work tying an entire force together. Nice detail work on the bases and plenty of space on which to pose your models. Could be a winner for a bedraggled Imperial Guard force or some World War I Infantry?
Would you pick up these bases?
Strictly speaking these are the wrong size for IG being 30mm though they’d go well with Death Korps. 30/40/50mm round lipped bases always say Warmahordes to me and trench bases say Cygnar Trenchers almost exclusively. However the boards and crates could be part of a dock setting, so Cryx pirates and Mercs could also benefit from these.
Love a good base to finish off a great mini.
Really wish these were in 25mm.