A Creepy Wild Aarg Hobbles out of Spellcrow
April 24, 2012 by brennon
Spellcrow enjoy making creepy beasties and this one is no exception. Check out one of their latest creations, the Wild Aarg below...
A cross somewhere between a troll and a squig this thing looks both disgusting and cool in equal measure. I can imagine these being fantastic dungeon fodder or as conversion bits for your fantasy armies. I wonder if its house trained?
Some of you may also remember this particular Dwarf Mage from Spellcrow too. We showed you a Work-in-Progress of this a few weeks back but now the model has been painted up and is ready for sale. Check out that source lighting on the gem!
Will you be hunting for a Wild Aarg?
The Aarg looks to me a bit like old school fairy tale illustration which appeals immensely.
Would almost be tempted to remove his legs and use the head on body for a creepy goblin
The Dwarf Mage look great painted up
If only the right arm was not so long!
OT Google spellcheck thinks the word mage is a mispell lol
So I’m not the only one that thinks the arm is just a bit long. Besides that, it looks great!
The Aarg’s flesh looks pitted and pustuled – it’s a squig that Papa Nurgle has taken a shine to. If the base isn’t integral (assuming it’s a 20mm square) it could be a great stand-in for a base of Nurglings or if more of these are made with different expressions it could be the foundation for a Nurgle-themed O&G army. The dwarven mage’s paint job is brilliant – I thought he’d be a good Chaos Dwarf but the lighter tones on the flesh and the white beard really mollify the grim expression. Now he looks like a good guy, just… Read more »