BOW Tips: Poisioned Weapons in Warhammer 40k
February 9, 2010 by darrell
John and Darrell explain the ins and outs of poision and how it varies between races and weapons in warhammer 40k |
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I like poision. I just wish the the IG had some of that.
they do man think its the bane hound
Well if you charge with 10 genestealers, thats 30 attacks, 12-18 hits, and if you have poison you can get rending on the re-rolls.
I always acualy put it on gargoyles. its 1 point, and it they get the charge it could be 60 poisened attacks for 210 points. Even better, you can get adrenal glands and have S4 with poison, allowing 4+ to wound with re-rolls on average units
Can you say, against a lower toughness model, that you’d rather wound them on 2’s than get rerollable 4s.