Warsenal Construct A New Cosmica Building For Gen Con
August 4, 2016 by dracs
Warsenal release the Cosmica Jurisdictional Control Building, another new terrain set fro the tables of Infinity at this year's Gen Con.
This Jurisdictional Control Building is made up of several of Warsenal's modular Cosmica Colony terrain line and goes together to make a cool center piece for your gaming board.
As the name suggests, this building would be a pretty important part of any base and therefore would be ripe for use as a scenario objective. The inclusion of the armoury is particularly cool, as it could allow for scenario moments where characters can get access to different gear then they started with.
What scenario ideas can you think of for Warsenal's new terrain bundle?
"This building would be a pretty important part of any base and therefore would be ripe for use as a scenario objective..."
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You could use that for any scenario – ITS building! It is beautiful.
That’s absolutely stunning. If I was playing Infinity or another, similarly stiles sci fi game, I’d be all over this stuff. Sadly, it’s a bit lacking in skulls and gothic bits for my taste 😉
@seldon9 I’m guessing you already have this enroute 😉
the cosmica stuff from warsenal is awesome and it looks like it just got even cooler.
Warsen.al is a fantastic company with a great product. If you are looking for sci-fi or near future scenery, you could definitely be checking them out. Personally, I love their park benches, their pallets (even I managed to assemble them in a way that looked nice), and their planters, and their buildings are all cool.
If I could add one product to their range, it would be a way to make their Commance walkway system more vertical (multiple heights, pieces to transition between heights, etc)
looks like a great interesting building.