Kill From Range With Albino Raven’s Stalker Sniper

July 27, 2016 by brennon

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Albino Raven have shown off another addition to their series of 'Stalker' miniatures as they add the Sniper to their collection in 1/35 scale.

Stalker #1

They've very much gone down the route of the Eastern European soldier here and you might be able to guess which video game it's been drawn from aesthetically with a name like 'Stalker'.

Stalker #2

The model is great looking and packed with detail. It would be interesting to see whether or not you could get a good 'wet look' to the model to make it appear as if he has been out in the rain for a while.

What do you think of the model?

"It would be interesting to see whether or not you could get a good 'wet look' to the model to make it appear as if he has been out in the rain for a while..."

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