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P-VLOG: Wolsung SSG Gigantic Golem – From Parts To Painted

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Primed & Ready For Some Pre-Shading


With the main priming step now done we look towards the Pre-Shading Step where we start to work on making sure this work we do now helps us out in later steps.

Do you do a lot of pre-shading on your models?

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PaulTim Chubb Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

@johnlyons seems like you were getting some dry tip with that army painter black thinned for airbrush use. Have you tried adding a drop or 2 of vallejo’s airbrush flow improver? Have found by adding litterally a drop or 2 of the stuff to thinned paint saves a load of hassle with it drying on the tip, have even been able to fire some very un looked after 90’s era citadel bleached bone through my airbrush with no issues, when before i would be lucky to get maybe 3 secs of spraying before it clogged.


Crikey that looked so easy and effective. Of course you made it look easy. Airbrushes are so dang handy. I have never used one or got round to purchasing one (due to time/money/laziness?) but every time I see someone using them so effectively as John is I think I need to get one.

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