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UK Games Expo 2016 Live Blog!

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ArcWorlde’s Battle For Troll Bridge Stunningly Painted


The forces of Warploque Miniatures' ArcWorlde - Battle For Troll Bridge have been painted up really nicely for their game here at the Expo.

You can see the three full faction forces you can play as plus the enigmatic Troll himself.

The models for this game always impress and it has garnered a lot of attention.

ArcWorlde’s Battle For Troll Bridge Stunningly Painted

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angelicdespotCarl Woodrow Recent comment authors
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Warploque continue to blow me away with their uniquely character rich sculpts. I really hope they do well with Battle for Troll Bridge as I feel they are a great studio that sometimes struggles to get enough air time in a sea filled with so many games and ranges right now.

And I agree Ben that’s one lovely looking board

Cult of Games Member

With miniatures that amazing, I know it’s only a matter of time before I crack and pick this up…

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