Create A Sci-Fi Outpost With Modular Terrain From The HAB Block KS

May 17, 2016 by deltagamegirl22

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Mad Gaming Terrain has created a fantastic, modular system for 28mm Sci-Fi, MDF buildings, the HAB Block.

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The HAB Block is live on Kickstarter right now and provides a massive amount of terrain options to create loads of interesting sci fi tables, and it's modularity offers you variety as well as options to constantly change things up.

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This set offers some really nice features within a relatively simple shaped structure. The terrain is built for gaming both in and out with a lot of thought having gone into the placement of the details like doors, windows, hatches and ladders.

If there's a place for a ladder to go up in a room, there's a hatch above - this seems like such a simple detail, but how often have we seen add on bits that we can place just for the sake of adding something?

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Then there's the magnets. These sets offer small magnets to go into sections of each HAB Block.

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These can allow you to easily link Blocks and place walkways to form continuous patterns of buildings. It's the little things like this that can really set terrain apart from the rest.

What do you think of these clever HAB Blocks?

"Then there's the magnets. These sets offer small magnets to go into sections of each HAB Block..."

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