Summon The Fires Of Fenris’ 3D Spell FX

April 4, 2016 by dracs

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Fenris Games are soon to come out with a new 3D Spell FX miniature piece that will allow you to drop your foes into a burning ring of fire!

Flame Circle

This effects model, shown here being summoned by a modern day occultist (or possibly a man enjoying a bonfire while listening to heavy metal), is an excellent way of displaying the effects of a flame spell on the tabletop. Fire is always dramatic and, when painted up, this circle will let you engulf miniatures in flame.

Fenris have said they may also work on a smaller version of this circle, which is a good idea. The model looks to me to be the perfect way to show a miniature suffering from status effects in game, surrounding them in fire but remaining flat enough to place a miniature upon.

Do you want to see more of Fenris' fiery circle?

"Fire is always dramatic and, when painted up, this circle will let you engulf miniatures in flame..."

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