Customeeple’s New Terrain Takes You To A Creepy Carnival

March 30, 2016 by brennon

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Customeeple have added some more terrain to their line-up of kits as well as a lot of support for the world of Malifaux. Kicking things off we have their creepy Carnival which includes some rather lovely pieces...

Malifaux Carnival

All of the terrain you see above is available to pick up including the Carousel and the Bandstand which you can see in more detail below. Each of these are unpainted and made of MDF but look like they shouldn't take too long to get ready for the tabletop.



Additionally you can always spice things up with a little bit of greenery and so they have also added a Parterre set to the collection too. Effectively you get a set of flower beds and more for you to start developing some nice wild foliage.


It's not clear whether or not the pieces of greenery actually come in the set but if not then it shouldn't be too hard to gather up some supplies.

Tokens & More

On top of the terrain the folks from Customeeple have also put together a set of tokens for use in the game as well as a way of storing them.

Malifaux Tokens

This Boxed Set contains everything that you could possibly want to mark during your games it seems. You can also buy all of these accessories as individual sets if you wish.

What do you think of their Malifaux support?

"Each of these are unpainted and made of MDF but look like they shouldn't take too long to get ready for the tabletop..."

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