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The Holy Wars: Age Of Sigmar Tournament Live Blog

And the winners are…

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And the winners are...

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After a fantastic weekend of fantasy gaming at its best, it came down to 8 gamers walking away with their own dragon trophies:
The Fan Favorite (peer voted)- Andrew Simons
The Best Hammer Hobbies the (overall army that exemplifies the hobby we love, scored by the judges)- Mike Butcher
The Best Model (each gamer nominates one of their own models and decided by the judges)- Jeffery Even
Best Appearance (highest points scored by judges' votes)- Peyton Shipman
Best Army (painting & theme per judges' votes)- Andrew Simons
Best Sports (highest sports score)- Domus
Best General (highest battle points)- Sean Troy
Best Overall (battle + sports + painting)- Sean Troy

Congratulations to all the winners. It was a blast following you and your armies through this weekend of fantasy gaming.

And the winners are...

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Carl Woodrow Recent comment authors
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Grats to all the winners, those are some serious looking trophies! Got to say you guys really know how to throw a good event.

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