New Star Wars The Force Awakens Kits On The Way From LEGO

September 3, 2015 by brennon

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LEGO have shown off four new Star Wars The Force Awakens kits that are going to be available in the run up to the film release in December. See what you think of them, all of which popped up on social media...

Poe's X-Wing Fighter

Poe's X-Wing Fighter

Rey's Speeder

Rey's Speeder

They are putting together a range of different kits for the main characters and of course looking at iconic vehicles from this new film. Poe's X-Wing in particular is a fantastic piece of kit and I can see that taking pride of place on many nerdy mantelpieces.

Kylo Ren's Shuttle

Kylo Ren's Shuttle

First Order Snowspeeder

First Order Snowspeeder

The bad guys get some really fun craft too and the new First Order Snowspeeder looks like it packs quite the punch. I wasn't won over by the look of the Stormtroopers to begin with either but I think they've hit the nail on the head with them actually.

They have the right amount of menace about them - a faceless enemy with no human features to see on the outside. Let's hope they can shoot straight.

Will you be getting any Star Wars LEGO?

"Poe's X-Wing in particular is a fantastic piece of kit and I can see that taking pride of place on many nerdy mantelpieces..."

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