GBHL Pit Dunland Vs Rohan In An Epic 1000pt Battle

August 17, 2015 by brennon

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We don't normally feature battle reports in the news but this one is well worth checking out because it's not only from a neat Youtube channel keeping Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit alive but also it's bloomin' cool! The GBHL Channel have Dunland take on Rohan in a 1000 point battle in Edoras itself...

Rohan Shieldmaiden

The terrain and the armies they've using for this are great and the fight, while it might seem like just a dice chucking exercise, actually has some really tense moments in it with heroes battling against the odds. It's fun to see the game played out in a really thematic way and it's well worth a watch.

Not only that but the GBHL team have also been ploughing through the scenarios for the journey books Games Workshop made. You can watch the whole of The Fellowship Campaign already which starts off in The Shire and ends up at Amon Hen for that climactic battle.

Give their videos a watch while you're doing some painting!

"You can watch the whole of The Fellowship Campaign already which starts off in The Shire and ends up at Amon Hen for that climactic battle..."

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