Paranoid Gives Us A Look At Fantastic Art For The Wildborn Of Mythos
July 14, 2015 by deltagamegirl22
In addition to the fantastic teaser videos, Paranoid Miniatures has been continuing to explore the character direction for the factions for their game Mythos. Today they have offered us a glimpse into the concept artwork for the Wildborn.
As evidenced by the fantastic art at their stand at Salute, as well as the Sea Queen miniature, it's easy to envision how amazing these Lovecraftian characters will look when translated to miniatures.
They are already hard at work for their plans to showcase their work at next year's Salute! Is it 2016 yet?
Which Mythos faction has captured your attention so far?
"They are already hard at work for their plans to showcase their work at next year's Salute! Is it 2016 yet?"
The art looks good but this game will have to compete with Malifaux in horror genre so it better be good. On the other hand the madness mechanism does sound interesting.
Loving the look of this game. Would love bow to find out more.