Deckhands & New Characters Jump Ship From Freebooters

July 8, 2015 by brennon

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Freebooter's Fate have some more colourful characters for you to use in your games of piratical adventure. Not only are there new Asquerosos Fugosas but also the heroic Piccina and Sagitario...


The Asquerosos Fugosas are hot blooded fighters that love to get up close and personal when they battle. With clubs, swords, knives and more they will be charging off towards the enemy with little heed towards their own safety.

Asquerosos Fugosas

Rather neatly you get both a male and female Fugosas for your crew both looking like they could do some real damage. The female Fugosas looks all the more deadly as she seems about to leap forward and stab someone.

Big Crossbows & Little Crossbows

Both Piccina and Sagitario are having a bit of a contest it seems when it comes to their weapons of choice. Piccina certainly believes bigger is better while Sagitario's chain of thought is that small makes for better sneak attacks.



Both of them are deadly at range although Piccina takes he shots from range. Sagitario decides to take a more up close and personal approach. He is also decidedly more dark and sombre according to his background!

"I have no name – unless it is darkness. I have no body – unless it is dust. I have no purpose – unless it is revenge. I have no soul – unless it is Death. I have no voice – unless it is the wind over an empty grave."

If you have need of some more heroes and brutal Deckhands then you have a lot to look forward to.

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"If you have need of some more heroes and brutal Deckhands then you have a lot to look forward to..."

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