Monsters & Constructs Come Together For North Star’s Frostgrave

June 11, 2015 by brennon

North Star are still doing exceptionally well when it comes to their partnership with Osprey and Frostgrave, the new Fantasy Skirmish Game currently on their own 'Nickstarter'. Some of the new miniatures for the game have been painted up now, the Ice Toads and Medium Construct...

Ice Toads

These creepy looking creatures have some powerful jaws but will still go down if you give them enough of a whack. They can work as an Animal Companion but beware as other Wizards might be able to turn them on you!

Ice Toad

It's great that we're starting to see some of the creatures of this world as well as the men and women and it would be fun to see what other Animal Companions are coming soon too!


If you're looking for a far sturdier bodyguard for your Wizard then look no further than the Medium Construct which has now been given a lick of paint.

Medium Construct

This creaky looking construct is around the same size as a human and serve their masters faithfully. Once again, a superb looking model adding another element of awesomeness to this skirmish game.

What do you think?

"If you're looking for a far sturdier bodyguard for your Wizard then look no further than the Medium Construct which has now been given a lick of paint..."

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