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AdeptiCon 2015: Live Blog Day 3 & 4

Game Spotlight: Freeblades

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Game Spotlight: Freeblades


With the help of the fine folks over at DGS Games and their game Freeblades, we tried a little experiment to see how hard it would to do a two camera "unboxing" so that at future Cons that we are reporting from we can bring you "instant" video unboxings of some special and exclusive releases that might be shown. We also like to spotlight a lesser known game, so folks can see for themselves some of the terrific variety out there.

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Cult of Games Member

OK. Now I’ve got to go and check out their website. That sounds like a really cool game and the mini’s look great!


Im a big Freeblades fan. Started playing it last year after playing a demo DGS ran at Totalcon. It plays fast and with a $30 buy in how can you not give it a try.


The Pirates of Faelon event was great. It was a new take on the Freeblades rulsets. The DGS guys are a great bunch of people. Super nice and very helpful. I’ve had instances where I’ve posted a rules question on their forums and withing minutes received a reply. You just don’t find that anywhere else.

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