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AdeptiCon 2015: Live Blog Day 3 & 4

AdeptiCon 2015: Live Blog Day 3 & 4

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We're back with more from AdeptiCon 2015 as the rest of the convention over the weekend gets started! Check out more from the different vendors and games that are taking place over the weekend as Dawn & Gianna keep you updated!

Check out what's going on and don't forget to comment for a chance to win Relic Knights prizes!

What are you loving so far?

Blogging At This Event:

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"Let The Games Begin!"

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"Are We There Yet? "

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Malifaux Madness


The Malifaux tables have been very busy this year. The new venue freed up much needed tournament space for them, which has been great, as the game as been quickly gaining popularity.

Malifaux Madness
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Flames of War Battles On the Map

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With a nice variety of historical games, Flames of War is in the mix. It was nice to see some regulars from our FLGS, Draxtar Games, enjoying some games.

Flames of War Battles On the Map
deltagamegirl22 Entries by this blogger

Robotech Minis! Shiny Fan Favorites


With a Robotech sprue in the swag this year, it's only natural to look longingly at the collection of minis in the case. Sigh. Shiny syndrome.

Robotech Minis! Shiny Fan Favorites
stvitusdancern Entries by this blogger

Welcome to Day 3 of AdeptiCon 2015


Dawn checks in and let's us know what we might expect for the third and most busiest day of Adepticon. She also acknowledges members requests.

Warhammer 40K Team Tournament

Warhammer 40K Team TournamentNo Comments
deltagamegirl22 Entries by this blogger

Warhammer 40K Team Tournament Madness

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Gaming is in full effect in the 40K arena at the con. The displays are very creative and impressive. I met some characters along the way who were happy to pose for pic for BoW.

Warhammer 40K Team Tournament Madness
stvitusdancern Entries by this blogger

Prodos Is Asked The One Question Everyone Has Been Asking


Dawn grabs the guys from Prodos and asks the one important question everyone has been asking for awhile. We think you will be happy with the answer.

Pirates Sighted Over The Starboard Rail

Pirates Sighted Over The Starboard RailNo Comments
deltagamegirl22 Entries by this blogger

Gunslingers Are Locked in Battle For Wild West Exodus

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Tournament play is underway in the now, much louder, main hall. Players have their game faces on as they work for the win.

Gunslingers Are Locked in Battle For Wild West Exodus


Spacehulk!No Comments
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The Plague Is Taking Over in Deadzone

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The Plague Is Taking Over in Deadzone
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Gamers Have Fun, But Also A Heart.


Every year Adepticon and their sponsors put together a charity raffle to help raise funds and this year is no different. Look at all the amazing amount of items donated.

Gamers Have Fun, But Also A Heart.
deltagamegirl22 Entries by this blogger

Judges Are Rounding on the 40K Displays

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Yes, there's the Crystal Brush competition, but did you know how competitive/creative the 40K gamers are with their display? Much hard work and creative genius goes into these displays from dark & elaborate, super serious displays to fun and playful themed displays- like the Loaded Baked Potato of Doom! The Potato is the creative genius of our FLGS, Draxtar Games. Well done, guys!

Judges Are Rounding on the 40K Displays
deltagamegirl22 Entries by this blogger

Family Fun at Adepticon

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The best part about conventions is having fun things available to gamers of all ages. Reaper has a great Paint & Take stand that literally allows fans to choose a models from the bins and paint it up on the spot.

Family Fun at Adepticon
StunningNo Comments

Stunning (as Warren would say)

Stunning (as Warren would say)No Comments
deltagamegirl22 Entries by this blogger

I Want An Underwater Table


I liked it last year, and I LOVE it this year- Antimatter Games is here with DeepWars and ShadowSea, and WOW. What's not to love about an underwater table? There's an untapped resource in aquarium terrain that can totally bring an underwater table to life. (Strums fingers, pondering)

I Want An Underwater Table
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Pirates To The Left, Pirates To The Right. Pirates Are Invading Adepticon


Dawn talks with Scott, the man behind the centerpiece of A Fist Full of Seamen. A large scale all out pirate game.

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Robotech War!

Robotech War!
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Yo Ho Yo Ho a Pirate's Life For Me

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Yo Ho Yo Ho a Pirate's Life For Me

"As Night Falls On The Third Day Of Adepticon, The Games still Go On."

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The end of day three.

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It is now the end of day three and the vendors are all tucked in. Now it's time for games and debauchery. Pirates and Mantic Party.

The end of day three.
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Cracked Earth Studios Gives Us The Rundown.


Dawn talks with Jace the creative genius behind these beautiful terrain pieces.

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A Game That Has Found A New Home At Adepticon


Saga has found a new home here at Adepticon this year. They had approximately 36 players this year and I see it growing for many years to come.

A Game That Has Found A New Home At Adepticon
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Battles in Space


There were many variations of Sci FI games available at Adepticon this year. Dropzone Commander (one of our personal favorites), Firestorm Armada and Planetfall just to mention a few.

Battles in Space
deltagamegirl22 Entries by this blogger

The Pirate Game, A Trip To Jail & The Bottom of the Sea


Well, our adventures on high seas did not go as as spectacularly as one would hope- but it was a damn good time! Gianna and I drew a Dutch allegiance to start the game. Gianna was made Captain of the vessel and I was the first mate. Though a Pirate's Life is the life for me, we were given a military crew with merchant tasks. We set sail from our port with the intention of protecting the large merchant vessels in our fleet with our superior fire power. But alas, it did not quite go as planned.

The large vessels, with the wind at our backs, made it to port ahead of us and while guarding the entrance to the port, we took fire from a dodgy pirate. Thankfully the damage was only to a sail, which we were able to repair after making port ourselves. Leaving the port was when things went a different direction.

While plotting our next move, we saw the ghost ship come into our sights. We decided, "no guts, no glory" and we would try to take on the ghost ship.

The winds had now picked up and we began turning into the wind to head towards the ghost ship when another ship of questionable allegiance came into view towards us. As it got closer, and the ghost ship moved farther out of our reach, we realized the ship headed our way would have to be dealt with.

And so, combat began. First the cannons fired. Firing was a lovely simple mechanic which was easy to resolve. After cannons, the muskets. And then, there was a boarding party- because we could. Now here, it got VERY confusing. I honestly don't think we could've replicated the steps without the assistance from Scott, the Commodore (and game coordinator). After much dice rolling and a great deal of math, our ship was victorious! Due to game rules, we were instructed by the Commodore Scott that no one could be thrown overboard or killed, but instead we would capture the pirate and sail him to port. This is where we made a fatal error. Ideally we should've taken the prisoner to our home Dutch port, but that was a long way off and there was a TON of ships between us and home, so we decided to take the prisoner to the closest port- the English port. And when I say "we", I mean "me" as I was given command of the captured vessel to sail into port with our prisoner.

I got to command my own ship for one, whole turn. Yes, one. I sailed to port and proudly brought my prisoner before the governor- who for reasons unknown to me at the time, did not seem to trust my story. He produced a coin that he flipped to choose whether or not he believed me- I lost. He informed me that while we were locked in battle, a war had been declared with the Dutch, and I was thrown in prison along with my prisoner!

If this wasn't bad enough, the governor then said, "it's a shame that neither of you have anything to offer to buy your way out of prison." Now mind you, Gianna had the treasure chest we had been sailing with, I had not received my own AND it was at that moment that I realized that I had not seen the prisoner's treasure! The prisoner miraculously produced treasure he had hidden and bought his was out of jail, leaving me there to rot!

The prisoner bought himself a new ship by being willing to spy for the governor but couldn't sail without a first mate. Now, though I ended in jail and lost my ship, I had earned 52 victory points for taking a ship, which I purchased 100 acres of land with. My now free prisoner then agreed to hire me as a first mate and I returned to the sea under his command!

Meanwhile on the other side of the board, Gianna managed to overtake yet another ship but while making her way back across the board, was blasted into floating rubble.

It was at this point that the game ended for us as it was late and we were famished! The moral of the story is, do not get distracted by the lure of the ghost ship, do not take prisoners and do NOT trust governors of ports other than your own.

All in all, it was a wonderful game, with an absolutely stunning setting, with a great rule set, run by fantastic people. 🙂

The Pirate Game, A Trip To Jail & The Bottom of the Sea
stvitusdancern Entries by this blogger

We Check In With Bombshell Miniatures


Dawn speaks with Patrick from Bombshell Miniatures and she finds out what goodies they have brought with. Remember these are the people who created the bubblegum chewing, rollerblading sniper that I love so much.

"Day Three Was Just as Incredible If Not More Than The First or Second! "

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"Last Day of Adepticon- Let's Do This!"

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Chibi & Anime Goodness From Soda Pop Games & Ninja Division


The glass cases were filled with lots of must haves. We had a nice chat with John this am and he assured me that my Super Dungeon Explorer: The Forgotten King will be arriving soon! We also got him to take us through Relic Knights and wow, what a cool game! We're going to have a go at it for sure.

Chibi & Anime Goodness From Soda Pop Games & Ninja Division

"A Very Busy Morning Already, Video To Follow. "

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Warmahordes Iron Arena Play Underway

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Warmahordes activity is in full swing with Iron Arena Speed Machine. You can see 2 of the games have gained quite a few spectators.

Warmahordes Iron Arena Play Underway
stvitusdancern Entries by this blogger

The Glamorous Side Of Reporting on Adepticon.

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While Dawn runs around on the last day of Adepticon trying to make sure we cover as much as we can and answer members requests. I am sitting here at a table coding video and setting pictures.

The Glamorous Side Of Reporting on Adepticon.
deltagamegirl22 Entries by this blogger

I'm Batman


Yes, i said it- " I'm Batman."I got to demo the Batman Miniatures Game this am and I'm hooked! Clear and easy to learn mechanics combined with a theme that appeals to fans of comics equals an excellent game!

I'm Batman
deltagamegirl22 Entries by this blogger

Malifaux Story Encounter Makes For Stunning Stories

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The story encounter has become a Malifaux fan favorite as it's driven heavily on a theme/story. Players' crews are inserted into the stories and the gaming ensues.

Malifaux Story Encounter Makes For Stunning Stories
deltagamegirl22 Entries by this blogger

The War Rages on in Flames of War

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Room after room is full of tournament play on this final day of Adepticon. Flames of War tournament play is no exception.

The War Rages on in Flames of War
stvitusdancern Entries by this blogger

Tanks Invade Adepticon

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Bolt Action's Tank War was played today at Adepticon ' s first Tank War tournament. There was some beautiful minature's painted and ready to go to battle.

Tanks Invade Adepticon
deltagamegirl22 Entries by this blogger

Saga Tournament Enters It's Final Phase


Gamers are focused on victory as the Saga play enters it's final stages. We had a nice chat with a participant, Chris, who has taken up Saga in recent years. He made a pretty riveting case for the game- like we ever need an arm twisted to take up a new game! Here's my money.

Saga Tournament Enters It's Final Phase

Awaiting Crystal Brush Results

Awaiting Crystal Brush ResultsNo Comments

Star Trek Attack Wing

Star Trek Attack WingNo Comments
deltagamegirl22 Entries by this blogger

Epic Battletech in Alpha Strike

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If you were looking to get your mech on at the con, there's no better way than in Battletech's Alpha Strike. In this version, there is plenty of mech involvement and with the added element of 3D terrain.

Epic Battletech in Alpha Strike
deltagamegirl22 Entries by this blogger

Warhammer Fantasy Tournament Play Narrows to the Finals

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The fantasy play was very heated on this final day of the con. Players were working diligently to seal a win and try to make it into the finals.

Warhammer Fantasy Tournament Play Narrows to the Finals
stvitusdancern Entries by this blogger

Day 4 - Vendor Hall Walkabout!


Dawn gives a quick look around the vendor area before it opens for the day. It is really nice to see a lot of empty shelves.

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Game Spotlight: Freeblades


With the help of the fine folks over at DGS Games and their game Freeblades, we tried a little experiment to see how hard it would to do a two camera "unboxing" so that at future Cons that we are reporting from we can bring you "instant" video unboxings of some special and exclusive releases that might be shown. We also like to spotlight a lesser known game, so folks can see for themselves some of the terrific variety out there.

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And the Crystal Brush Goes To...


The 1st place prize and coveted Crystal Brush went to Kirill Kanaev for his absolutely stunning, scratchbuilt, Crimson Fist Marine! Along with his well deserved recognition, Kirill was the proud winner of a check for $10,000. I have to tell you, these pictures really do tell the tale and it was even more impressive in person! You can see the rest of the winners on CMON's website.
It was truly an honor to be in the same room with artists of this caliber at the con.

And the Crystal Brush Goes To...

"Thanks for sharing in the convention with us. See you next month at Salute!"

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Goodbye and Goodnight, Mission Completed

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Dawn and I wanted to say thank you to all the wonderful vendors, staff members (Hank especially) and all the gamers that represented the finest in the world of miniature gaming. To all you members who gave us great input. Please watch next weekends "Weekender" for the winners of the terrific convention only Relic Knight miniatures. A special thank you to the guys back at mothership Riverside Studios for the creation of a great system to make it easier to keep you all updated. So long and we will see you at Salute in April!

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Yes, let the games begin 🙂
Exelent coverage so far


Let the games begin. There shall be much feasting and merry meant to be had by all.


Let the games begin. Always good to con coverage.




First class coverage so far, looking forward to the Pirate game.. Arrr !!


Looking forward to more Malifaux coverage


Thanks for the updates


Looks greate


I think I need to plan on attending this con next year…


The Malifaux game looks nice!

Cult of Games Member

I second the request for info on ninja all-star.

Cult of Games Member

Great coverage again yesterday, this looks like a really great convention. I do like all the news and new things that are on display, but you know what, seeing a bunch of people all involved in the hobby having a great time is I think the best part of it all.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. 🙂


The Robotech stuff looks quite interesting! would be fun to paint, I think..


When is the fist full of seamen stuff! Wanna know more, gotta love pirate ships and innuendo’s!


They are only do 2 events- last night and tonight. They run from 6 PM until midnight! Arrrrrrrrrhhh!


Thanks for the great work, looks amazing.


Wild West Exodus is one of the games I’m looking for.


Good Morning Folks , thanks for the info on Prodo’s can’t weight for end of April. Love the pirate ships where did they come from ? Thanks again just awesome show and again please have fun too. Pepsidan 🙂


That’s a great question on the ships. I will have to ask Scott tonight. I’ll let you know.


Adepticon is for you geekmaniac!


Yes, the pirate ship is amazing!


Hmm avp in aprile may. Thats so cool


Great coverage, thank you both. Anything interesting from wyrd or PP this year?

Cult of Games Member

Nice pirate board.


Cool coverage!
Love the elaborate race display boards.


Great displays!! Keep the pictures coming!

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