Spellcrow Look For Polish Names For Their New Bad Guys!
March 14, 2015 by brennon
The world of Umbra Turris is a growing one from Spellcrow and if you're Polish, or English and you speak Polish, then you might be able to help out with naming the new faction for their game world!
"Witajcie. Mamy do Was pytanie. Mamy dwie nazwy dla Startera Złych i musimy wybrać najlepszą. Propozycja pierwsza to Rabusie grobów oraz Pustoszyciele mogił. Możecie wskazać, która jest lepsza lub napisać swoją propozycję. Wdzięczni będziemy za pomoc"
No? Didn't understand that? Ah ok. Well, they are looking for a cool name for their game based on a faction that is all about tomb robbing and graveyard disturbances as far as we can tell. At any rate if you have any cool names that you want to fire over to them in Polish (time to support our EU friends) then head on over to their Facebook Page and drop them a comment!
What name would you come up with?
"Witajcie. Mamy do Was pytanie. Mamy dwie nazwy dla Startera Złych i musimy wybrać najlepszą"
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“Pustoszyciele mogił” (Grave Ravagers) sounds nice, how about “Pustoszyciele dusz” (Soul Ravagers)?
Kubasa… or is that Ukrainian?