Evil Resin Bases from Voodoo Worx
June 2, 2011 by beerogre
Here's a company I haven't seen before... and they're producing... guess what?
That's right!
Resin bases!
What do you think guys?
BoW Andy
June 2, 2011 by beerogre
Here's a company I haven't seen before... and they're producing... guess what?
That's right!
Resin bases!
What do you think guys?
BoW Andy
Someone showed me these a few months back and i thought, when the flesh coven dark eldar come out, these babies are mine, then they came out at £20 for 5 resin fincast models. no gw, so long, im off to start warmachine.
So instead you’ll start Warmachine, which is £35 for four models? Or £40 for ten?
Yep but you don’t need anywhere near as many.
You do have a point there. Why is it that I don’t feel ripped off when I buy the new Bane Knights for £25 but do when I look at the Space marines boxes of 5 for the same price?
I think it’s because their starter boxes are much cheaper (£30) and the books better value. I also know that GW have a much larger audience and bigger economies of scale and seem intent on hiking the price regardless of the cost to manufacture.
I also think your response is partly a reaction to ‘brand’. Familiarity breeds contempt and I think a lot of the GW hatred is this in play… an awful lot of it though is also the decisions they take.
Nice bases and would work well for many a game…hell dorado and cryx spring to mind instantly.
As to gw=theft pp=reasonable it is amusing but bear in mind pp at mo normally metal not plastic and 50pts armies are big and can cost way less than £200 vs GW costing ££££
@bubbles15 and @sirangry both make good points
I think that’s because the Bane KNighst are great models, and the space marines are mostly platic with smoothed out detail…
BoW Romain
you comment has really got my mind working here. you have a very good point here. i read swarmlords comment and though agreed im starting warmachine too (not stopping GW i just want to start WM aswell) so i gave his comment a thumbs up for warmachine. now then, with regards to your comment, it has never occurred to me that WM is the same pay more for less. so why is everyone flocking to WM from GW? is it a middle finger to GW or has WM got a good marketing/ sales team that most people didnt notice the… Read more »
*your comment
They’re really, really nice I’ve used Micro Art, Dragon Forge and Secret Weapon resin bases and they’re all tip top, especially for lazy people like me who can’t be bothered cracking out the plasticard themselves!!! lol.
Hey brother, your not lazy just because you want to buy your special bases. It takes talent as well as time to do bases like they sell. But if your calling yourself lazy, who am I to stop you. I just think you don’t need to feel bad about buying cool bases. Look at them they look awsome!
Loving the bases, and as the Warmachine discussion goes, over here in the States the price hike is horrendous on people in my community who have trouble with the prices when bulking out an army, spending $50.00 on a battlegroup and that being everything you need to play is an astounding deal, than you can bulk it out little bits at a time being as in a 25pt. game the Deathjack/Avatar of Menoth/Behemoth/Thunderhead Jacks are going to be around 1/2 your army, and its only $50.00 as well for a high quality metal cast is not bad at all. But… Read more »
That’s where I’m at with my gaming right now. I play Warmachine and Hordes and Infinity and dabble with a few other things like Anima Tactics. I’m also about to embark on my Spartan Games journey as I’ve got myself some Dystopian Wars and Firestorm Armada stuff as well… both again really reasonably priced games.
Is there a link to the company site?
Looks like its time to play the google card. http://www.voodooworx.co.uk/
Cheers I was about to look them up and now I don’t!!! 🙂
thanks dude
They’d make cracking necron bases. Maybe when the new codex comes out…
dark eldar bases yay