Grab An Epic Battles Celt Army For Warlord Games’ Hail Caesar

January 28, 2025 by brennon

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Warlord Games has added a big new army to their Hail Caesar Epic Battles collection for those who want to stick it to the Romans. If you'd like to shove those invading armies back into the sea then you might consider siding with the Celts.

Celt Army - Hail Caesar Epic Battles

Celt Army // Hail Caesar Epic Battles

This Celt Army set gives you the option to field two visions of grizzled and deadly Gallic fighters and can be used on its own as an army of Celts or as mercenaries amongst the ranks of the Romans and Carthaginians that are already available.

Celt Infantry - Hail Caesar Epic Battles

Celt Infantry // Hail Caesar Epic Battles

There are mobs and mobs of Celt Tribesmen for you to use as the core of your army as well as skirmishers armed with slings, bows and javelins. There are also the deadly Gaesatae Naked Warriors for when you want to pack a punch and scare some Romans away.

Celt Infantry Alt - Hail Caesar Epic Battles

Gaesatae Naked Warriors // Hail Caesar Epic Battles

As well as the core of infantry, you will also be able to get your hands on plenty of Celt Cavalry which take on the role of both light and medium options for you to use when taking command of the flanks. You will also get plenty of the iconic chariots for you to use for a bit of shock and awe.

Celt Cavalry - Hail Caesar Epic Battles

Celt Cavalry // Hail Caesar Epic Battles

Capping things off, you'll also get a bunch of Command options featuring a mixture of Chieftains and Standard Bearers. These come on horseback and foot so you can split them amongst your force to make sure that morale is enforced and orders are followed.

Celt Skirmishers & Command - Hail Caesar Epic Battles

Celt Skirmishers & Command // Hail Caesar Epic Battles

This set also comes with an exclusive Female Celt Chieftain who can inspire your forces and get them fired up for the next attack. Use her army to burn London to the ground and cause havoc. She comes exclusively within this Army Box.

Female Celt Chieftain - Warlord Games

Female Celt Chieftain // Warlord Games

Here's a good look at the majority of the bits and pieces that you get inside the box so you can visualise the sort of army you'll be assembling to stick it to the Romans!

Celt Army Contents - Hail Caesar Epic Battles

Celt Army Contents // Hail Caesar Epic Battles

As well as the miniatures, you'll also get a twelve-page army list and scenario booklet which will be useful for getting your Celts to the tabletop for their games. The majority of the army is plastic save for the Female Celt Chieftain who comes in Warlord Resin.

Could this be the army that drags you into Hail Caesar Epic Battles?

"As well as the miniatures, you'll also get a twelve-page army list and scenario booklet..."

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