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Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

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Threw a Party Just to Play MCP

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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As one only turns 60 once I decided to host a two day game convention for my friends that I called PeterCon60.  Rented a meeting room in a local hotel, filled it with tables and games, and even got in a game of Crisis Protocol.

Since four of us wanted to play we split up the forces with two players on a side.  My Opponents really wanted to run Emma Frost and the Hellfire Club which was made up of Brotherhood characters.  My partner really wanted to run X-Men so that’s what we went with.

We had five Secures we had to roll dice to flip to our side and four fiery tomes to pick up and blast others with. Started out fairly even but by the scoring round of turn three the Hellfire was pulling ahead.  We blasted at each other, threw cars, and even indulged in punching.  Turn five ended with the Hellfire club ahead 16-12 and a good time was had by all.

The board with objectives in the middle.  X-Men came in from the far side and Hellfire from the closer side.The board with objectives in the middle. X-Men came in from the far side and Hellfire from the closer side.
X-Men AssembleX-Men Assemble
Emma and Colossus both grabbed ancient tomes first thing.  Iceman moved to the middle to support either flank.Emma and Colossus both grabbed ancient tomes first thing. Iceman moved to the middle to support either flank.
Threw a Party Just to Play MCP
Psylocke moved up the center and got stuck in against Sabertooth and KillmongerPsylocke moved up the center and got stuck in against Sabertooth and Killmonger
Threw a Party Just to Play MCP
Psylocke is able to take down Killmonger with Storm's help.  Unfortunately Sabertooth was able to finish her off as well.Psylocke is able to take down Killmonger with Storm's help. Unfortunately Sabertooth was able to finish her off as well.
Game came down to the center and who could make more successful rolls to flip objectives and the dice were not helping the X-Men.Game came down to the center and who could make more successful rolls to flip objectives and the dice were not helping the X-Men.
Overall View of the tableOverall View of the table
Emma Rules the Day!Emma Rules the Day!

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Cult of Games Member

Absolutely cracking looking game and very happy birthday to you!

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