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Draconis does….. The Silver Bayonet

Draconis does….. The Silver Bayonet

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Giant Bats, of a sort

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 1
No Comments

17th January 2025

Alongside the ghouls I began work on some Giant Bats. In The Silver Bayonet a giant bat is given as the size of a goose or swan.

I searched around, but didn’t find much. I had one old long oop Warhammer Quest giant bat, with no stand. I checked online and the best I could find was about £3.30 each. Knowing that I would potentially need a dozen, but with very limited use, I decided I couldn’t justify that spend on top of my current existing outlay.


I have some reusable moulding plastic, so I thought I would give that a go with that oop WHQ bat 😊

They came out a bit like some form of pasta. Results were mixed (some faces were very undefined, wings damaged), and all needed a lot of clean up.

With a batch of three done, I repeated the process until I had a dozen.

Then I cut up some paper clips, and began drilling holes so that I could pin them to bases.

For variety I drilled holes in four different locations – front, bottom, left and right. I drilled a hole in the base, made some bends and glued the paper clip in. Then I covered it over with milliput, filling the slotta base hole at the same time.

They were sprayed black, then drybrushed grey. I followed this with a brown drybrush over the body fur areas and limbs. Then a couple of lighter drybrush stages over the faces and extremities.

Finally I tried to paint in some teeth, tongues and red eyes (on most).

Overall I would say they are… ok. Some have faces that didn’t come out of the mould well, some have poor condition wings, and the paint job is basic.

However, they do the job, and ‘read’ well as giant bats.

Giant Bats, of a sort
Giant Bats, of a sort

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