Dan's 2025 Side Projects
Cleric Divine from Printomancer
This was a 1:12 3D print from a Kickstarter that ran a couple of years ago.
The pillar that supports the back decoration warped a bit during the print, so it’s off centre. I’m still happy with the way it looks though. It was nice to try out a different skin tone.
The skin was painted through successive layers, starting with mournefang brown, adding in a bit skrag brown with each layer, and then adding in deathclaw brown.
The robes were painted with a mix of roughly 10:1 white scar and emperor’s children.
The hair was painted corvus black and highlighted administratum grey.
The metals were painted screaming bell, then drybrushed hashut copper followed by sycorax bronze.
The gems were painted white scar then soulestone blue.
The lips were painted bugman’s glow and the cheeks given bit of tuskgor fur as “blush”.
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