Manda's (Amachan) Order of Heimdallr
I finally managed to do a little bit of hobby today and put together the onager from Gripping Beast for the Order of Heimdallr.
And now comes the dilemma of base size. An artillery piece for Kings of War needs to be on a 50x50mm square base with the crew on separate bases which don’t actually count for anything.
That’s not really going to fit….
So I am going to have to invoke the Exceptional Base Sizes rule.
Exceptional Base Sizes.
You may need a wider or deeper base for exceptionally large Heroes, Monsters, Titans or War Engines – in such rare cases, use the smallest base that you can fit your model on.
So that would then be a 50x75mm base. I can get some of the crew on there but none of the extras. The frontage would still be 50mm so for the most important bit, the firing arc, it doesn’t really matter.
But then if I go with a 50x100mm base I can fit everything just on 1 single base which will look better in my opinion. If I have to go with an exceptional base anyway, should I go for the better looking option? The frontage is still 50mm.
Now for SAGA Age of Magic all of these options are fine, so I wonder what other peoples opinions are.
I’d go 50×75 and have the crew on separate bases but it doesn’t matter any way, put a mark at 50mm on the length so you can make sure people don’t charge you if they are just seeing the end of the exceptional base
Thanks. Would you mark out the middle 50mm of the base or the front or back?