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For Whom the Bell Tolls

For Whom the Bell Tolls

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Not the end!

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Funny moment: my four-year old son looked at the ruined tower and said:
“It’s cool, it looks like our house.”
I would like to reassure everyone that we do not live in a Mordheim-esque broken down ruined building 🙂

On a serious note, we have an extension for TerrainFest, so I am putting aside my current WiP (corpse cart) to finish a detail on the ruined tower: a small wooden bridge.

It can be used to connect the broken floors on the first floor. It can also be used to connect two adjacent buildings.

(There are obvious cat hair in my photo booth. Tried to remove them all, but alas, the cat hair remains. Also obvious that my photography skills need to improve in 2025...) )(There are obvious cat hair in my photo booth. Tried to remove them all, but alas, the cat hair remains. Also obvious that my photography skills need to improve in 2025...) )
Not the end!
"Let's pay a visit to our neighbor" :)

To make the bloodstain, I first used the old trick of a toothbrush to splatter some blood around. Unfortunately, the effect was a bit weak and was not showing much as the wood grain is a bit dark.

I then tried for the first time Dirty Down Gore product and it worked really well. I didn’t go overboard with the blood effect, but I do like how it adds a bit of color to an otherwise fairly brown piece.

Not the end!

There is about two weeks left for (extended) TerrainFest, so no time for a big build or a new ruin. I have an unfinished wood terrain that I will tackle over the next few days 🙂

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