The Barons' War
Progress Update 01-10-2025
My building, cleaning, and priming process went really fast last weekend which allowed me to hit my goals fairly easily week. I also added some additional stretch goals to the project.
There is a bit of a slow down as I’ve also picked up both The Silver Bayonet and Blood and Plunder at the same time.
The biggest piece completed was the mounted knight with a banner. This is probably my favorite mounted figure yet. I kit bashed the Victrix knight and a Wargames Atlantic 3D printed banner arm.
The spear man unit is also complete after finishing up these two. That marks off two units now for an entry 500 point list. They’re not from the right period but for now they’ll work fine.
The peasants box from Wargames Atlantic just arrived so I’ll be building up 8 levys with spears that can either be levys or spear men.
The bonus figures I did were crossbowmen. I had not originally planned to do a unit but I had some and I figured ‘Why not?’ even if they are from the wrong period.
These two were a challenge to clean up. I’m not sure what was up with the cast because they came from the same box as a spearmen. Despite being a pain, I think they look all right!
That wraps up this week. Next week I’ll be doing the last mounted knight and two peasants with spears.
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