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Painting Resident Evil the board game.

Painting Resident Evil the board game.

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Project Blog by klorophil Cult of Games Member


About the Project

So my gaming friends wanted to try out the Resident Evil board game. Being the compulsive kickstarter that I am, I have everything for RE 1,2 and 3. This is my project blog for this game. I can't promise that I will paint everything but I will try my best. Enjoy!

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A bunch of good boys.

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Hello there!

So I started with the dogs. I never really played the computer games. I didn’t have a Playstation for RE1. However, I do remember vividly the dogs in the movie and they were pretty scary at the time. So really glad they included them.

As for painting their miniature version, I started with a black coat to which I added a little bit of retarding agent. I then wet blended a couple different grey tones. Same thing for the paws but I instead used different orangey browns.

Once everything was dry I drybrushed some light gray on the black parts and some orange on the brown parts.

Finally, I basecoated all the fleshy parts in Ivory and applied a coat of Gulliman Flesh.

I will probably add some blood effects later on. But I will wait for the rest as I’ll do it in one go for everything.


Content of the base game.

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
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Hello there!

So here is what I have to paint right now. All the minis from the base game. I have the Kickstarter edition so there may be more stuff than the retail version, can’t be sure.

Apart from that, there are two expansions, a 3d terrain box, a monster box and the Kickstarter exclusives. And that’s just for Resident Evil 1.

At least since it’s mainly zombies and other monsters I’ll be able to use a lot of Contrast paints etc.

Here I primed everything in a zenithal black and white. Apart for the player characters which I intend to put more time on. So they are only primed black. I might try my hand at cell shading for those.


Content of the base game.

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