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Deathkorps Regimental Colour Schemes

Deathkorps Regimental Colour Schemes

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First Regiment Appearance: The Posterboys!

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 1
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It was really not a difficult decision which regiment to begin with in my painting guide series. Of course it GW’s poster boys: the 143th Regiment. Their iconic blue trench coat and their white/tan gas mask scheme already had its appearance on the Forge World Website and slightly modified in the Death Korps Veteran Kill Team. It is also the colour scheme of the new box arts so what better way to start?

The colours use are listed below, this is a Army Painter Warpaints Fanatic only Colour scheme. For the painting I kept it really basic: Basecoat, Shade, Highlight

The Highlights were done using the base colour and various amount of Pale Sand. Light Colours such as beige where highlihted by adding Matt White.

For the shades I used Dark Tone and Strong Tone, and for the skin I used…. ahh just kidding ^^

I also introduced Brainmatter Beige into my first colour scheme as I know Gerry is a huge fan of this colour 😀

Hope you guys like, any suggestions are welcome!

Thanks for reading and see you on the nex one!

First Regiment Appearance: The Posterboys!

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