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Moonstone Christmas Surprise

Moonstone Christmas Surprise

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Thoughts so far. I will add to this as I go.

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As I’ve gone through this process I’ve learnt a few things and changed ways I’ve gone through different processes in making the board. Would I do things differently? I think there’s elements of the project that I would do differently there’s techniques and materials I’ve not used before and after this will continue to use.

  1. hot glue gun, awesome saves so much time and if like me when you’re working on a project you change plans as you go and create in a on the run fashion then waiting for glue to dry can throw off your flow.
  2. XPS foam, fantastic material you can cut it, texture it, paint it and using other materials imprint surface texture on it. Whether using it to clad other shapes of as a building material in Its own right it’s a good material, I’ll be getting more of it for future projects.
  3. 5 mm Foamcard love this stuff. Always use it in my builds to form the structures. It’s lightweight and strong.
  4. Tile grout, I’ve started using it on this build. Used it to texture the XPS and make a poor man’s Sculptamould. A mix of PVA and water (50/50) mixed with toilet paper to make a papier-mâché then add to that the Tile grout. It’s great stuff although I suggest you use latex gloves because it gets mucky.

There may be other insights to come but so far that’s all I got



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It’s been a great project to follow on its journey. Now that Christmas is behind us, can I ask what selection of troops everyone ended up with for the ‘Secret Santa’, and did you manage to get a game in for Christmas? I understand that the board is not quite finished yet, but I’m curious to see if you managed to get it out for a test run and how it went.

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