North Star’s Fantasy Elf Range Back On Made To Order Basis
January 3, 2025 by brennon
North Star Military Figures are making their Fantasy Worlds Elf range available for January on a made-to-order basis. There are High Elves and Wood Elves for you to choose from for crafting new armies or skirmishing warbands.
Wood Elf Archer // North Star Military Figures
The collection currently consists of a nice selection of Wood Elves and High Elves that could be used as champions in games like Oathmark and Midgard Heroic Battles. Equally, they could be characters in their own right in skirmish games where you only need a handful of miniatures per side.
Wood Elf Spearman // North Star Military Figures
As well as the Wood Elves that you see here, you can also get the well-armoured High Elves from across the sea. The mixture of different miniatures are great for comment elements in units (the classic Standard Bearer, Musician and Champion) so you could easily slot them in alongside other Oldhammer-style ranges.
High Elf Swordsman // North Star Military Figures
Whilst the Wood Elves are currently all available separately, you can get your hands on a bundle of miniatures for the High Elves. Maybe this could end up being the start of a fun new project for 2025.
High Elves Bundle // North Star Military Figures
As mentioned earlier, these miniatures are only available on a made-to-order basis during January and then the moulds will go back into storage. If you've missed out in the past, maybe this could be a good opportunity to snap up a few miniatures missing from your collection.
Are you going to be scooping up some Elves this year?
"...these miniatures are only available on a made-to-order basis during January and then the moulds will go back into storage"
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meat is back on the table? XD
Love the skateboard bases !
I can’t unsee that now 🙂
If I am not mistaken, these are the old ‘Harlequin Miniatures’ that were produced in the mid-90’s. I still have the wargame called ‘Raven’ that was produced for these minis. I recall the game was not half bad.
Some absolute classics there, great to see them back in production for a short time