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PanzerKaput's Slow Descent Into Madness and The Age Of Sigmar Spearhead

PanzerKaput's Slow Descent Into Madness and The Age Of Sigmar Spearhead

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Stormcast Eternals, The Vigilant Brotherhood Spearhead

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 1
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Sons of the GladiusSons of the Gladius

So after the testing I went for the Sons of the Gladius Stormcast Eternals Stormhost as I rather liked the colour scheme and it looked rather like the colour scheme I was after. I then decide that I am going to try and use Contrast Paints for the first time and use them on them, which was an interesting learning experience and I rather fell in love these them after thinking that they are nothing more than a gimmick, but they work rather nicely as a mainly body colour but you still need you shades and highlight layer to been the best out of them.


The Sons of the Gladius are a Stormhost hailing exclusively from Neos in the Everspring Swathe.

The Sons of the Gladius have fought alongside and earned the respect of several Sylvaneth Wargroves. Especially those of the Oakenbrow Glade.

Only when the hordes of Chaos threaten to choke all life from the realms
does the God—King call upon the Vigilant Brotherhoods. These are elite
formations led by Stormcasts of the Ruination chambers, warriors who have
seen battle so many times and whose souls have been so eroded that they are
close to pure vessels of Sigmar’s will. Though their lack of humanity renders
them ruthless, they are nigh incorruptible, their sense of selftoo diminished
for Chaos to find true purchase. This allows them to traverse lands that are so
twisted that other warriors would soon wither or mutate upon entering them.

Each Vigilant Brotherhood is led by a Lord—Vigilant. These masterful
commanders are hewn from centuries of service, and they tread the thin
line between preserving humanity and achieving victory at all costs. Each
is chosen by their Gryph—stalker mount, creatures born under the waxing
of the fell moon Dharroth and that can detect which Stormcast souls are
most resistant to entropy. Swooping above them come Prosecutors wielding
flaming sigmarite spears. Though each is an exemplar of Sigmar’s creed,
their exposure to the Cursed Skies has transformed them into shells of their
former selves, leading them to pursue the eradication of Chaos at the expense
of all else. A Lord—Veritant always accompanies each Vigilant Brotherhood,
keeping watch over the state of their comrades’ fading identities whilst
adding their considerable might to the force. The final element of the
Brotherhood is a core of Liberators, unyielding champions of Order who have
perished again and again in defence of the Mortal Realms.

This Spearhead army consists of the following units:
Lord-Vigilant on Gryph—stalker
1 Lord-Veritant

3 Prosecutors
5 Liberators

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