Draconis Does….. TerrainFest 2024
Camp site
5th December 2024
Next up it was the campfire area. I found these bits from Mantic Terrain Crate among my collection, so they got a clean up, then a spray.
Didn’t get many pictures here as I was working on these between other things. One tent was painted with rawhide, the other ivory. Both were given a thinned agrax wash followed by drybrushing (up to pale sand for the rawhide and white for the ivory.
They both looked too clean at this stage (the pale one in particular) so I gave them both a neat wash of Agrax over the bottom edges, feathering in part way up. This seems to have helped out the look.
The sleeping bags were painted with contrast paints, with rawhide and ivory used for the mattress part. Thinned agrax wash again, followed by a pale sand drybrush. The woodpile was Wyldwood contrast, with ivory for the cut areas, and again agrax wash.
I spent a bit more time on the fire and fire base. Using washes and drybrushes of blacks and greys, followed by Deneb stone lightly I tried to give the stone surround a look of soot covering.
The bags and bedrolls were painted in the same way, a mix of contrast and regular. The lantern glass was given a gloss varnish.
And here they all are:
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