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TerrainFest 2024 with 144Artist

TerrainFest 2024 with 144Artist

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Fungus Painting Time

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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I’ve got the base built and glued together some fungus trees to adorn it.  I went with a white prime this time, rather than zenithal. Even though I am using Green Stuff World Dipping Inks I decided to start with a flat white.  I also washed a handful of plastic plant parts that I will be gluing down as roots and ground cover.

Fungus Painting Time
A couple of the colors are too light, not liking the pastel look.A couple of the colors are too light, not liking the pastel look.
Much better with second coats of richer colors.  While they don't need to match the previous set I painted, I do want them brightly colored to liven up a table.Much better with second coats of richer colors. While they don't need to match the previous set I painted, I do want them brightly colored to liven up a table.
Fun shapes and textures but one has to wash them well or they don't take paint.Fun shapes and textures but one has to wash them well or they don't take paint.

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