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MiniatureBrushworks Stuff

MiniatureBrushworks Stuff

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Space Marines - Part 1

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Captain with relic shieldCaptain with relic shield

With the Dystopian Wars project finished (just some group shots to do) I wanted to go back to practicing some of the more advanced painting techniques.

In this case non metallic metal, freehand, osl and marble. Instead of painting just some random miniatures I decided to paint a number of space marines to get a small legal army aswell as experience.

15 Space Marine veterans is the goal. 5 terminators, 5 sternguard veterans 3 bladeguard veterans the captain and lieutenant.

The captain and Lieutenant are already done and so the most detailed models are out of the way.

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Cult of Games Member

The pose of the captain looks a bit like he’s reading some naughty novel behind his shield. Or is cheating at a test. XD

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