Fight Arthurian Age Battles With Warlord’s New Hail Caesar Book

October 11, 2024 by brennon

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Warlord Games is now taking pre-orders for a new Hail Caesar supplement. Once & Future King takes your clashes to Arthurian battlefields and the battles between the Britons and the Saxons, Picts and Scots of the Dark Age.

Once & Future King - Hail Caesar

Once & Future King // Hail Caesar

Inside the new book...

"King Arthur is often seen as a figure of myth - surrounded by shining knights, devious wizards and magic swords, yet the legends of King Arthur may have some historical basis. This supplement delves into the historical sources for Arthur and provides all the rules and army lists you need to field a heroic British force defending against the depredations of the Saxons, Picts, Scots and Irish in the Dark Ages. The heroes and villains who populated the legends are also featured, allowing you to muster your favourite Arthurian characters on the battlefield."

This sounds like a great book for those looking to dive into the Historical and somewhat mythical side of Arthur and the battles of this period. Twelve scenarios cover Arthur's twelve battles plus his final fight at Camlann against Mordred.

There is also a campaign system included which allows you to play out the battles as part of a single narrative just like the old tales. Arthur can also be played in Welsh, Northern, Southern or a pan-British context which is interesting. There is also a bonus campaign in the style of Geoffrey of Monmouth heading off to Siesia and beyond.

The book pre-order also comes with a special miniature for Sir Agravain, the nephew of King Arthur. A great sounding book and miniature for Romano-British fans.

Arthurian Miniatures

A selection of Arthurian miniatures is also now available. The first set, the Heroes Of Camelot, comes in Warlord Resin.

Heroes Of Camelot - Hail Caesar

Heroes Of Camelot // Hail Caesar

This set comes with iconic characters from the Arthurian mythos including Arthur, Merlin, Mordred, Lancelot, Galahad, Gawain, Guinevere & Morgana le Fay. A nice set of miniatures for you to use when starting your campaigns.

There is also a set of four Arthurian Knights which come in metal.

Arthurian Knights - Hail Caesar

Arthurian Knights // Hail Caesar

This set features some of the named Knights who would be great questing and battling alongside Arthur during your campaigns. You get Tristan, Percival, Kay & Bors. They join the other Knights from the set above to give you a great compliment of different heroes for skirmish games and larger battle games.

Could you be tempted to try out Once & Future King?

"This set comes with iconic characters from the Arthurian mythos..."

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