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13 th Waffen SS decals ?

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  a27cromwell 2 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Does anyone know of any Warlord or Rubicon decal set ( individual or in a kit ) that has the 13 th Waffen SS Handschar decals ? Finally got around to using those heads in fezs from the Warlord Waffen SS plastic set and realized I don’t have the correct decls to afix on their vehicle . Thanks

    13th Waffen SS Div . Handschar


    Cult of Games Member

    Here you go:


    WW2 German SS Divisions, 28mm Decals


    They have loads of SS fun.


    Cult of Games Member

    Wow lots of great decals there . Thank you .


    Cult of Games Member

    No worries; I used to paint for commission, and had to source all kinds of stuff. 👍


    Cult of Games Member

    Change of plan , I’m not giving those troops a vehicle , but I did order 4 sheets of decals to renumber my T-34 platoon and add bridge weight decals to my Commonweath trucks and tanks . Thanks again for the heads up on District Miniatures

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