Add The Boomers To Knuckleduster’s Gunfighter’s Ball!

October 9, 2024 by brennon

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A brand new set of miniatures is now available for you to snap up from Knuckleduster Miniatures for use in Gunfighter's Ball and beyond. See what you make of these 28mm Wild West icons that could find a place in your posse.

Traveller - Knuckleduster Miniatures

Traveller // Knuckleduster Miniatures

This set of miniatures serves as a tribute to folks who watched the golden age of Old West TV shows according to Knuckleduster. Customers and friends fed back into the creation of this set of miniatures so this was something of a collaborative effort!

Angelo Ferguson - Knuckleduster Miniatures

Angelo Ferguson // Knuckleduster Miniatures

The set includes The Reno Kid and Sancho, "good-hearted outlaws down on the border". You also get Wes Eastman and Angelo Ferguson who are government agents keeping the Wild West a little less wild and dangerous.

Sancho - Knuckleduster Miniatures

Sancho // Knuckleduster Miniatures

You've also got The Traveller, a gentleman gunfighter and also Josh Randolf who is a bounty hunter with a kind heart and a darn tootin' awesome sawn-off Winchester. This is another great set for those who are fans of classic Wild West TV.

The Boomer Faction - Knuckleduster Miniatures

The Boomer Faction // Knuckleduster Miniatures

I love that it's also named The Boomer Faction. That gave me a little laugh. As always, the miniatures are packed with detail and the likenesses are spot-on. You could use these as part of special scenarios or just drop them into your regular games!

Are you going to be scooping up these boomers?

"I love that it's also named The Boomer Faction. That gave me a little laugh..."

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