Uncover The Background Of The Empire In Armoured Clash

October 9, 2024 by brennon

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Warcradle Studios are putting together a series of videos looking into the background and lore of the factions you'll be able to play as in Armoured Clash. The first video is now out and covers The Empire and who they are as a faction.

Empire Narrative Primer - Armoured Clash

Empire Narrative Primer // Armoured Clash

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These videos will cover the lore that is also available in the Armoured Clash Rulebook. Think of these as a primer for the faction(s) so you can decide which one you're going to pick when you dive in and start playing this 10mm wargame.

If you're interested in learning more about The Empire as a faction, you can also check out our video interview with the Warcradle team HERE and below...

Faction Focus: The Empire

Have you got stuck into Armoured Clash? Did you pick The Empire as your faction of choice? What else would you like to see from these lore videos in the future?

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