Mighty Heroes & Officers Coming To Corvus Belli’s Warcrow

October 9, 2024 by brennon

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The Fantasy world of Warcrow will be getting some excellent new 32mm miniatures for both the Hegemony Of Embersig and the Northern Alliance. Corvus Belli has some more gorgeous miniatures coming our way with some stunning magical effects in the mix too!

Marhael The Refused - Warcrow

Marhael The Refused // Warcrow

Marhael leads the way for this set of pre-orders. He is both a mage and a warrior, attacking his foes with the use of his Spectral Sword. This inflicts magical damage which can't be easily turned aside by the enemy. He is in a stunning pose, leaping forward with a sword swiping in front of him. It shows what they can achieve when playing around with their thermoplastic material rather than metal.

In-game, he has a high capacity for damage and is immune to the frightened state so you won't be able to spook him.

Backing him up, you can also get your hands on the Black Legion Officers who you can slot in alongside your Hegemony troops.

Black Legion Officers - Warcrow

Black Legion Officers // Warcrow

Leading this set is Nadezhda Lazard, Champion Of Embersig who is an excellent swordswoman in her own right. You can see it in her expression as well! She boosts the morale and willpower of your units on the tabletop and even applies the vulnerable status to enemies she is locked in combat with.

Lazard is also joined by the Corporal who comes with two command tokens and the ability to reduce the stress of your allies. Use these behind your core troops to keep them fighting for longer. Painting-wise, these seem fantastic for people to get stuck into.

Northern Alliance Heroes

Heading into the cold climate of the mountains, you can also get your hands on the stunning Darkmaster.

Darkmaster - Warcrow

Darkmaster // Warcrow

The Darkmaster or Master Of Darkness is an ambusher that appears later on in the game like a perfect assassin. His sharp perception ability means that he can counter scouts and ambushers and shrouded by darkness means that he can get close to enemies without being attacked. A deadly rogue indeed! I would love to see someone paint the "smoke" around him in a more eldritch way.

The Darkmaster can join Hunters in the Northern Alliance and turn them into Scouts which gives you even more added utility.

The Northern Alliance also get some ace Officers.

Orc Officers - Warcrow

Orc Officers // Warcrow

Lotta leads the way for this set. She can apply bonuses to damage and defence amongst your allies and apply Raging too. Lotta can also impose disarmed on enemies and increase the charge distance of your units so that you can close the gap with ease.

Lotta also fights alongside the standard Prime Warrior who can apply vulnerable status on enemies and increase the conquest value of allied units that have done damage that turn. A solid reason to include them in your warbands for Warcrow.

These miniatures will be available to pre-order soon ahead of a release at the end of November!

What do you make of these new characters?

"These miniatures will be available to pre-order soon ahead of a release at the end of November!"

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