Start Your 10mm Gaeldor Army In Spellcrow’s 10mm Argatoria

October 8, 2024 by brennon

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Spellcrow has another new 10mm Fantasy army for you to snap up for use in their wargame, Argatoria. You can get yourself started with Gaeldor as your faction of choice with the Gaeldor Army Starter Bundle.

Gaeldor Army Starter Bundle - Spellcrow

Gaeldor Army Starter Bundle // Spellcrow

This set comes with a 600 (or so) point army for playing your games of Argatoria and features sixty-four high-quality resin miniatures. This breaks down into six units and four heroes to lead the way. A perfect way for you to get started in Argatoria.

The actual breakdown of the set is Beast Hunters/Barbarians, Oduns, Voraks, Iron Oaks/Half-Giants, Forest Serpents/Slagors and then a Barbarian Warriors Command Group featuring a General and Champion. A great force of wild warriors from the wilderness.

If you want to expand your Gaeldor armies then you can get your hands on the Units Bundle and the Wild Creatures Bundle.

Gaeldor Units Bundle - Spellcrow

Gaeldor Units Bundle // Spellcrow

Wild Creatures Bundle - Spellcrow

Wild Creatures Bundle // Spellcrow

These give you additional reinforcements for your Gaeldor army alongside free goodies and limited edition bits as well. I still really like their Oduns, the treefolk. They look super cool alongside the regular barbarians from the Gaeldor army.

Start With A Friend?

You might also want to try out diving into Argatoria with a friend. If that's the case, you can get the pre-order deal of the Sheol-morg vs Gaeldor Bundle.

Sheol-morg Vs Gaeldaro Bundle - Spellcrow

Sheol-morg Vs Gaeldor Bundle // Spellcrow

This comes with two starter armies for Sheol-morg and Gaeldor that can do battle on the tabletop in 10mm. Rules for both of these armies can be found in Purple Warlock Issue 2 which is free to download/buy from the folks at Spellcrow.

If you've been tempted by Argatoria and some 10mm Fantasy but not felt the other factions spoke to you, maybe Gaeldor could be the one that drags you in?

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"If you've been tempted by Argatoria and some 10mm Fantasy but not felt the other factions spoke to you, maybe Gaeldor could be the one that drags you in?"

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