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Draconis does….. The Silver Bayonet

Draconis does….. The Silver Bayonet

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Bandits incoming

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 2
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5th October 2024

One of the enemy types needed for the solo / co-op scenarios is bandits. I already had 4 painted minis that I felt were suitable (from Empire of the Dead), so rummaged through my unpainted minis to find some others to fit in. They were Transylvanian Mobs, from West Wind’s vampire Wars range (plus one mini from the EotD Lycan brotherhood). These were primed alongside the other bad guys earlier.

Bandits incoming

I then just began laying down a limited palette of colours across the minis, to give them some moderate cohesion, and also to tie them in with those I already had painted.

Very basic process, using contrast in for some of the browns and green, and regular painting with highlights for the red and white areas, plus the ‘rawhide’ used for a jacket and trousers. All except the white areas were then given an Agrax wash, followed by a small amount of tidy up and then an overall spray with Anti-shine Matt varnish.

Bandits incoming
Bandits incoming
Bandits incoming

To be fair, they are painted to a ‘that will do’ level, as they are only used for one scenario 😊

This chap is my favouriteThis chap is my favourite
These are the minis I was trying to match to in 'feel'These are the minis I was trying to match to in 'feel'

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