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It's going to be something...

It's going to be something...

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Project Entry by hutch Cult of Games Member

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The Plan.

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 1
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I love making terrain.

I love making terrain way more than any other part of the hobby.  Now, my terrain has spread from the games room to the garage, and I am running out of space for more.

So, I must be mindful that whatever I do for this must be as ‘usable’ as possible.

By that I mean this must cover as many systems as possible, both those I have and those I have my eye on for the future.   Looking at you Guards of Traitors Toll and Trench Crusade.

Currently, I have the following themes on the ‘to-do list’

Gothic Horror both in 28mm and 55mm

Victorian Science Fiction in 28mm

Fantasy in 28mm and 32mm

Dark Grim Future in 32mm

So not only do I need to do something that I can use for any of those settings it also has to be flexible enough to scale from 28mm up to 55mm.


On top of that, I would like to incorporate my entries from Terrainfest 2023, that being my Gaslight and Port Blacksand projects or at least be compatible with them.   I don’t need to incorporate all of each of those projects, but it would be nice to have the flexibility to at least use some of it.

I would also like to use mixed media with this and include Resin Prints, Filament prints, scratch building and conversions.  Some electrical elements would be nice too.

However, the key thing is that this set-up is interesting to look at but also, and possibly more importantly, playable.

I will also add that the idea of the build is for skirmish-style games with, mostly, individually based figures.


Well that all sounds rather simple.

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