A Mechanicum Phalanx For The Horus Heresy: Legions Imperialis

September 30, 2024 by brennon

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Games Workshop revealed another big new Battle Group for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy - Legions Imperialis. The Mechanicum are on the march with their own range of awesome new 8mm epic-scale miniatures for battling during The Horus Heresy.

Mechanicum Battlegroup - Legions Imperialis

Mechanicum Battle Group // Legions Imperialis

This launch box for the Mechanicum comes with 146 individual miniatures that can be used to build your fairly hefty Taghmata. It contains masses of Tech-thralls as well as plenty of the powerful Thallax. You also get armoured vehicles aplenty and loads of automata that can be programmed for destruction.

Mechanicum Infantry - Legions Imperialis

Mechanicum Infantry // Legions Imperialis

Diving into the individual elements of the set, you've got ten Adsecularis Tech-thralls, Eight Thallax, and four Ursarax cohorts which are commanded by Archmagi on Abeyants and backed up by four Myrmidon Destructor hosts. You've also got the two Myrmidon Secutors and two Tech-priest Auxilia units locking things down for the Mechanicum.

Mechanicum Characters - Legions Imperialis

Mechanicum Characters // Legions Imperialis

The Mechanicum miniatures are packed with character and I like that they are so close in design to their 28mm counterparts for regular games of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy. If you're looking to clank into battle and cause maximum mayhem, you've also got plenty of automata!

Mechanicum Battle Automata #1 - Legions Imperialis

Mechanicum Battle-automata // Legions Imperialis

Mechanicum Battle Automata #2 - Legions Imperialis

Mechanicum Battle-automata // Legions Imperialis

Capping things off for this set, you've also got the awesome heavily armoured Triaros Conveyors (four of them) which can transport your troops into the heart of the action.

Mechanicum Vehicles - Legions Imperialis

Mechanicum Vehicles // Legions Imperialis

Rules for these miniatures are going to be found inside forthcoming supplements for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy - Legions Imperialis. As noted by Games Workshop in the reveal, these could be used for the mighty armies of Mars fighting alongside the Loyalists (albeit for their own ends) OR as part of the Dark Mechanicum.

What do you make of these epic-scale Mechanicum miniatures?

"...these could be used for the mighty armies of Mars fighting alongside the Loyalists OR as part of the Dark Mechanicum"

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