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Manda's (Amachan) 'Oiling Up' Project

Manda's (Amachan) 'Oiling Up' Project

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Spearpointing with the Late Imperial Roman Legion.

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An update on the late Imperial Roman legionary from Wargames Atlantic.

I re-attached the plume and shaded that with a wash made from Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Sepia (ABT002) and methylated spirits. I then followed that up by adding a bit of a wash made with Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Flesh Shadow (ABT215) to the fleshy bits.

I then added a bit of Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Light Flesh Tone (ABT135) with a silicone sculpting brush to the hand on the spear and his nose. It was a bit harsh so in order to tone it down I added a bit more of the Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Flesh Shadow (ABT215) wash. Next time I should do that highlight first and then the wash.

Spearpointing with the Late Imperial Roman Legion.

I then used that same silicone sculpting brush to brush up and highlight the metallics. All of the steel/iron colours I did with AK Interactive True Metal Steel (AK457) and the bronze with AK Interactive True Metal Brass (AK460).

And then I finished the rim of the base with Scale 75 Scalecolor Black (SC-00). But lessons were learned today. So I’ll let this dry and then see where I am at.

Spearpointing with the Late Imperial Roman Legion.
Spearpointing with the Late Imperial Roman Legion.
Spearpointing with the Late Imperial Roman Legion.

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